Feeling Stuck or Uncertain With Your Spa Business Growth & Potential?

Let Me Create Your 2024 Strategic Spa Business Plan For You!


Want my eyes on YOUR spa business? My coaching superpower is being able to see ALL those opportunities you can't because you're too close to it!ā  ā Ā 

Being a Spa Owner can be overwhelming and uncertain, especially when it comes to planning. Get a fresh perspective on your spa business for 2024 & discover your opportunities that are ripe for picking!Ā 


How does it work? ā  ā 
  1. Schedule & pay for your 30 min Spa Business Assessment Zoom call with me.

  2. Fill out your Spa Business Assessment Intake.

  3. At your 30 minĀ Spa Business AssessmentĀ call, youā€™ll have my undivided attention to discuss your leadership & sales goals, strengths and challenges. We'll discuss how best to approach them for ease and growth this year.

  4. Time, money, resources & your personal joy will be on the docket! Your spa biz needs to work for YOUR personal needs but it must be making money too.ā 

  5. Within 48 hrs of our callĀ I send a customized 1-pageĀ Spa Business PlanĀ outlining your clarified 2024 goals and a prioritized list of leadership & spa sales growth initiatives.Ā 

  6. You'll also receive a list of Get Started Action Steps for the year, making it clear and and easy to follow through with your goals.

  7. If you struggle with follow through (that would be MOST entrepreneurs, lol), you have the option for ongoing support to implement those action steps. ā  ā 


Move into this next 12 months with more clarity & certainty for your spa leadership & sales growth!



AssessmentĀ & Spa Business Plan

$125 USD