The Plan to a Hundred Grand
Jul 14, 2018Recently, a client of mine decided she wanted to make more money, but was faced with being booked solid until September. This left her no room to better leverage her business and left her feeling defeated.
I KNOW that $100,000 per year is entirely in the realm of possibility for a solopreneur though, and in 12 minutes I showed her exactly how. The plan worked for her and it will work for you, too. In fact, it even works for those with teams; it is entirely scaleable.
Here it is, in three easy steps:
1. Examine Your Financial Set-Point
Your personal financial set point is the level of earnings at which you feel comfortable. We all have one. Remember when you got your first job and you were thrilled to make a mere fraction of what you do now? That's because your financial set point was lower then, and grew over time.
Think about your target income. Does it cause discomfort?
This is likely because it's outside your current financial set point. In order to raise the bar on our financial comfort zone, we have to think, dream and plan toward our new target so we begin to accept it as a possible reality. If you don't, reaching toward increasing your income will be like swimming with concrete boots.
2. Analyze with Fresh Eyes
It's so hard to look at our own business and spot the areas for potential. I recommend having someone else come in and examine everything - service sales, retail sales, retail percentages, and the revenue weight of services offered.
3. Make a Plan
Start with your target income and work backwards to accommodate your schedule. Figure out how to make up the difference between where you are and where you are going. Examine your services and see what lower revenue services can be cut to make way for better client leverage. Look forward in your schedule to where you have free time and start blocking off chunks of time for priority bookings of the high revenue services you want to provide more of.
Take a look at your Sales System and ensure it supports your target. Where are the holes, and how can we fill them? Develop scripts and strategies to close the gaps.
Check out my live video about this here:
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