Are You Using Your Spa's Staff Handbook Correctly?
Aug 09, 2018In recent conversations I have been hearing more and more about how spa owners are having a difficult time getting their spa team to work according to the terms and policies outlined in the staff handbook. While this can be extremely frustrating for a spa owner, I often notice that spa owners have their handbooks in place but are not quite using it correctly. Follow these 3 tips to make sure you are using your spa's handbook to its fullest potential!
1. Make sure your handbook is complete and specific.
Your Spa's Handbook is essentially an agreement between you and your spa's employees. It should specifically state all policies and procedures for every single aspect of your spa business. Be sure to include behavioral expectations, what your expectations are for your staff when there is downtime, and then a discipline policy for when anything outlined in the spa handbook is not followed.
2. Make sure you are following your own spa's policies.
This is where most spa owners are dropping the ball. As a spa business owner, it is very easy to have a "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality. However, the truth is that your spa team is watching you. You are the leader and the role model for the culture of your spa. If they see you breaking spa policy they may get the impression that it is not that important. If you have been slacking in this area, now is the time to step up and be a strong leader and role model to your staff by living up to the expectations that you set for your spa team as outlined in the spa staff handbook.
3. Hold your spa's staff accountable.
We know it is important for a spa team to follow the policies and procedures followed in the spa handbook, but do not forget that it is equally as important to carry out the disciplinary actions outlined in the handbook when policy has been broken. Being consistent with both the following of the policies and the disciplinary actions when your spa's policies are not followed will ensure that your spa team understands that you are serious about your expectations.
To hear more about the Spa Staff Handbook and your role as a leader (and a little story about how not following disciplinary action set in the staff handbook came back to bite one spa owner in the butt), watch the live below!
Resources and Related Posts:
The Four Agreements
Spa Leadership 101: Always Be Prepared
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