Strong January Sales: 3 Strategies to Start Now for a Strong 2022
Nov 11, 20213 strong strategies to start now for a strong 2022 have never been a hotter topic, especially with the most frequent question I’ve been fielding lately.
What is it? Well, it always goes along the lines of: “Kirsten, January is already ‘blah’ for my spa without throwing 2022 into the mix. How can I set things up for a busy January at the spa this year (and next year) as part of my growth and recovery plan?”
It’s a good question, spa owners! As a former spa biz owner myself, I feel your pain: if you’ve been in the spa industry for awhile then you know first-hand that there is a natural seasonality in the industry in the sense that, if you haven’t nailed down your spa systems and structure, even a crazy busy December can turn to tumbleweeds as soon as January hits. The result? A winter slump that’s tricky to bounce back from.
Now, in the past I’ve detailed three tips for ensuring a busy January at the spa… but because of how tightly 2021 has squeezed spa owners I wanted to focus on three tactics today to guarantee that your biz will be in good shape this January (and next January, too!)
But First, Planning
Now, before digging into my tactics to bolster your bookings in January (and, in turn, bumping up those much-needed service and retail sales), I’ve been coaching spa owners long enough to know what their biggest pitfall is. What is it? You guessed it: not planning ahead.
Planning ahead is crucial for a myriad of reasons as a business owner, but one of the biggest factors is that, without scheduling ahead, you lack the ability to both map out your growth initiatives and iron out why you’re choosing to focus on them. This yields not only lackluster marketing results but also lackluster revenue results in your spa.
What should you do instead when it comes to planning?
- Plan a minimum of one month ahead: At Kirsten Foss Coaching’s sister company, Virtual Spa Business, we schedule client content one month in advance in order to thoroughly map out topic focuses, promotions, and specific growth strategies that work to bolster the areas of the business that need it most. So if it’s mid-November now, you should be starting your January content.
- Look at past data: Historically, what is January like at your spa? What are recurring hiccups or performance issues that crop up year after year? Analyzing this data in advance is vital for course-correcting; you can’t change what you don’t know!
- Ask for help if needed: Feeling like you’re siloed as a spa business owner isn’t an uncommon feeling, but being stuck in a rut can cut down on your creativity and determination. Whether it be joining my private spa-owners only Facebook group, Spa Business Mastery, or contacting me directly for coaching advice, remember that there are people who have been in your exact shoes that would be happy to lend you an ear if you’re stuck on your January planning.
With those preliminary steps out of the way, whip out your notebooks— it’s time to dig into the meat of the subject!
3 Strong Strategies to Start Now For a Busy 2022: Orbit Yours Around Bounce-Back Coupons!
Commonly used across the retail industry, bounce-back coupons are defined as a coupon given to clients who have booked a specific service that, if they come back to the business within a specified period of time, can cash it in to save on a service or product (or, alternatively, receive a complimentary service or product the next time they book an appointment.)
How do we integrate that into the frame of a spa business? Well, let’s break it down into three strategies:
- Step #1: In November (yes, as early as November!) determine what your bounce-back coupon offer is going to be. I always recommend to my coaching clients that they orbit their bounce-back coupon offer around a service that they’re looking to build up. Why? So that you can leverage clients that come in during December for a service that you love that just isn’t grabbing client interest organically.
- Step #2: Keep in mind that this doesn’t have to be a steep discount; in fact, depending on how you want to frame your offer you can even name it a “pre-booking promo”. Similar pre-booking promos include pooling your December clients into a lottery that you then pick a winner from in January, but I list bounce-back coupons as my #1 strategy because of its simplicity and focus.
- Step #3: Speaking of simplicity, keep things simple. We spa owners all seem to share the perfectionism and overthinking traits, which can prevent us from getting important things done. When creating your coupon design I can’t recommend Canva enough for first-time designers due to its easy-to-use tools and array of free features and designs; alternatively, outsource local to a graphic designer to make sure your vision will come to life!
Looking for some bonus strategies to take your coupon utilization to the next level? Then continue on to:
- Step #4: Printing time! Whether it be via Vistaprint or your own tried-and-true printing method, ensuring that you have your coupons printed out and ready for December 1st is crucial for getting the most bang for your buck with this type of promotion.
- Step #5: On top of getting your offer decided in November, November is also when you should be seeding your promo. Whether it be through a blog, email blast, or social media marketing, seeding this incentive will work to both bolster your December bookings and ensure that that momentum will continue throughout January.
“Kirsten, Are There Any Downsides to Bounce-Back Coupons?”
Just one! Luckily for you, however, I’ve detailed how to quickly and efficiently work around it.
Not setting a timeline for the promotion is a common mistake I see spa owners make. Keep your timeline for this bounce-back coupon promo tight so that it doesn’t overflow from January. Alternatively, for those who typically have a fairly busy January at their spa then specifying a 60-day expiry is a method of setting a timeline without having it drag on all year.
Why keep your timeline clear? A few reasons:
- To quickly and accurately measure the results of the promo
- To keep track of how many redeemable coupons you have out there
- To gauge the level of interest for the next time you run the same or similar promotion
What Are You Waiting For? Get Started on Yours Today to Guarantee a Busy January at the Spa!
Whether you have more questions, would like to share your thoughts on the blog, or would like advice from one (former!) spa owner to another, don’t hesitate to reach out today: I’d love to hear from you!
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